As a responsible car owner, you own insurance to help protect yourself and your fellow drivers in the event that there is an accident. Unfortunately, not all drivers have coverage even though car insurance is required in the state of Texas.The number of people driving...
Month: August 2017
What is truck driver fatigue?
From the use of drugs or alcohol to negligent maintenance and excessive speeds, large truck wrecks have many causes. Sometimes, these accidents happen because a truck driver is too tired and never should have been on the road. Known as truck driver fatigue, this can...
How many people are hurt in auto accidents?
Many people are aware of the grave consequences which can ome with auto accidents, such as the loss of life, serious injuries, emotional pain and other hardships. However, some people in Houston and across Texas may not be aware of just how widespread these accidents...
New distracted driving class requirement to soon take effect in Texas
Distracted driving can cause great harm and tragedy out on the roads. So, how aware the state’s drivers are of the dangers of distracted driving could be quite impactful on traffic safety in Texas.A new requirement is set to soon go in place here in Texas which...