Charles J Argento, Accident and Injury Attorney
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New distracted driving class requirement to soon take effect in Texas

On Behalf of | Aug 17, 2017 | blog

Distracted driving can cause great harm and tragedy out on the roads. So, how aware the state’s drivers are of the dangers of distracted driving could be quite impactful on traffic safety in Texas.

A new requirement is set to soon go in place here in Texas which is aimed at increasing distracted driving awareness among new drivers. The change will add a new distracted driving class requirement for certain individuals seeking to get a driver’s license in the state.

The change will impact the requirements for new drivers ages 18 and older. Such individuals will have to take a free one-hour distracted driving class in order to qualify for a license. The class is called Impact Texas Young Drivers. This new requirement goes into effect at the start of next month. There is already a similar course requirement for younger new drivers in the state.

One wonders what impacts this new course requirement for new drivers 18 and up will have on overall distracted driving awareness among new drivers in Texas. Do you think this requirement will help with reducing distracted driving and making the roads safer in Texas?

When a person is harmed by a distracted driver in Texas, it can be important for them to be aware of what actions they can take under the state’s legal system to try to get fair compensation. Among the steps a distracted driving crash victim can take to ensure they have a proper awareness of their rights and the legal actions they can take is to promptly consult a skilled car accident lawyer.

Source: Click2Houston, “New requirement for Texas driver’s license begins soon,” Kelci Johnston, Aug. 8, 2017