Truck drivers in Texas go through special driving courses and, overall, are safe and competent vehicle operators. However, their size and weight can result in serious accidents, so it is important to avoid them as much as possible. Common causes of crashes involving large trucks are errors by both commercial drivers and passenger vehicle drivers.
According to FindLaw, the truck companies themselves are often to blame for truck accidents. Schedules that call for extended time on the road can result in fatigued drivers and/or speeds that are over the limit or not safe for weather or road conditions. Some companies may often skimp on driver training as well.
While truck drivers are sometimes the ones at fault, other drivers on the road are often to blame. This is because passenger vehicle operators do not realize the capabilities and limitations of the larger vehicles. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration offers some tips for regular drivers when they share the road with commercial trucks. These include:
- Use signal and allow for adequate space when passing
- Stay out of blind spots, which are larger than in passenger vehicles
- Do not tailgate, and leave extra room when stopped behind a truck
- Give trucks extra room to make a turn
- Do not cut in too closely, as it takes large vehicles a lot longer to stop
While it takes trucks a longer time to stop, they also take a little longer to get up to speed from an idle position, so give them time and room. Follow other basic guidelines, such as wear seatbelts, minimize distractions and drive sober, to keep everyone safe on the road.