Charles J Argento, Accident and Injury Attorney
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What can elderly drivers do to increase safety on the road?

On Behalf of | Feb 16, 2018 | blog

Motor vehicle collisions can shatter the lives of those from all walks of life and of any age. However, older drivers may be particularly concerned about an accident and the consequences they may struggle with afterward. If you or one of your loved ones want to increase road safety, there are a number of tips to keep in mind that may be useful.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has provided helpful information on how elderly drivers can increase traffic safety. The CDC points out that many older drivers already decrease their chances of becoming involved in an accident by being less likely to drive while impaired, at night, or during inclement weather. Moreover, drivers who are older are more likely to wear a seat belt.

There are various ways in which older drivers can increase safety even more, such as avoiding any distractions (cell phones, eating, etc.), having eyesight evaluated by a physician each year, keeping a close eye on medications and the side effects of any drugs that are taken, and carefully planning routes beforehand. Moreover, regular exercise can help elderly drivers become stronger and more flexible, which is also beneficial with regard to driving abilities.

These tips are helpful for older drivers, but should also be reviewed by drivers of all ages. Sadly, motor vehicle collisions can have terrible consequences regardless of the safety precautions that drivers and passengers take. If you have been involved in a crash that was the result of someone’s recklessness, you should not hesitate to take a stand for your rights.